EUROPEAN ELECTION: I agree with Moratti’s positions, but the Post Office must not be privatized and a degree of protectionism can be tolerated


ITALY – Forza Italia is growing and has already overtaken the League according to the Website Political Thermometer even if there are fluctuations. Source Termometro Politico Tajiani’s approval rating rises from 37% to 42%, just two points below Meloni Source Termometro Politico

What can we who are against the New World Order expect from Forza Italia? That at least the Party of the Entrepreneurs & the Rich goes against the UN project of a global tax created specifically for them – sic – (they should):

There were two videos on Moratti and her European election campaign in Italy that I could post, one was 3 hours long and the other was short, I posted the short one because I really watched it so at least I know what she says without being pretentious and inventing stories. However, the long one can be found here:

At times the important thing is not to tell the truth: the important thing is not to be cheated, as the European Union has a tendency (strong tendency) to do with the member States, they always try to cheat us into ruin. But citizens must understand the truth, I broadly agree with what Moratti says but with alternatives, for example, regarding the European energy market, I am not a fan of the EU because the EU is not good, it is fine to maintain a degree of protectionism if too much openness damages the real country – for example again in the very rich Australia you cannot import meat, we Italians can produce tortellini in Australia but they must be filled with Australian meat, there is this idea that the solutions must be solutions in practice not in theory – see also the border closed-sealed they have in Australia, the No-Way immigration policy against legalising the illegals – I agree on de-regulation because the EU rules are very complicated and wrong and then, speaking of protecting small entrepreneurs, we must praise the Italian Post Office which has created an easy and inexpensive tool such as Poste Pay Evolution Business source, a 200,000 euro ceiling connected to POS and VAT number enabled for all online payments etc. for a negligible cost, I mean: € 12 per year that can be brought down to zero in the occasion. I intend to change bank, do you know what Mediolanum did to me? To me who am always on the Internet? Suddenly, they unilaterally deactivated the online purchasing function of all the cards and to activate them they sent us to register on the site, I don’t want to do that: I refuse the concept to have a Mediolanum Card that is worth less than a PostePay or a BancoPosta account with the Post Office, the best offers to account holders in Italy are made by the Italian Post Office Service because it belongs to the State, ergo: LET US NOT PRIVATIZE IT, I would do without the money of the European loans called PNRR but I don’t want to privatize the Post Office, the citizen must be at the centre, not the banker and you will say “And you tell Moratti this?” and who should I tell? Moratti is already against the European Union’s green homes directive and this is good, I copy and paste and translate from the official Forza Italia program for the economy:

QUOTE – “A new European industrial policy, a “Good Deal” that surpasses the hyper-environmentalist “Green Deal” which, by damaging key sectors such as automotive, housing, steel or agriculture, threatens families and businesses, and risks causing agricultural and industrial desertification.
We want more energy for European citizens and investments to further integrate the European electricity and gas market to ensure lower prices. An Energy Union that leads us towards a zero-emissions future. At the same time, use gas and nuclear for the transition and to guarantee the EU a path towards energy independence. The objective of decarbonisation must be pursued gradually according to the principle of technological neutrality.
We want to encourage the correct development of all renewables, wind, solar, water, geothermal, bioenergy, exploiting all the technologies available today, without preclusions and falling in love.
We have promoted, together with concrete actions aimed at encouraging the development of all renewables, also actions aimed at the necessary reintroduction of nuclear power* in Italy.
Only the renewables – nuclear combination will allow us to reach the Net Zero objective in the future by balancing the needs of safety, stability and cost-effectiveness of supplies.
We want to defend the freedom of our companies to innovate without imposing choices from above that are harmful to citizens. We support the development of alternative fuels, hydrogen technologies and new fuel systems for vehicles (“CO2-neutral fuels” also including biofuels and e-fuels).
For this reason, Forza Italia immediately expressed opposition to the regulation which provides for the exclusive sale of zero CO2 emission vehicles from 2035.”


*Yes, I also am against nuclear power, I prefer to wait and still smell the smell of petrol while I eat a croissant at the service station bar, coffee and the smell of petrol which is very “eighties style” and the breath of fresh air coming through the trees lining the highway. We’re fine with this until the Solar Total Era, if there is the possibility of entering one for real. Don’t be scared if you don’t agree with Moratti on two or three things: it can be discussed. These people of Forza Italia are the ones you can talk to calmly, Moratti is better than Meloni and in any case they are allies. Meloni is looking for powerful friends, she wants to send Draghi to the ECB she wanted to send him to NATO, she lets herself be caressed by Biden who among other things is very left-wing… (?) she brings Pope Francis with her to the G7 but this is more form than substance, Forza Italia should produce a ruling class of higher quality, more substance and less Outraged Shouting All Around of the hardcore populists who would save the world if they could but when they win they are delusional because they can’t (pretty much like Trump but luckily without lockdown), they should be more… objective and more capable. On the other hand, the League must return to its northern lands. It’s wrong to go to the Centre-South with Gen. Vannacci as a candidate who you might even like and then after you vote for him they stab you in the back and tell you “You voted Lega, you want from Regional Autonomy to Secession” in my opinion only those who really want a lot of regional autonomy and, if it were possible, their dream “La Padania”, what Salvini is doing is wrong, he steals votes from parties that are truly unionist, if you don’t want a grave form of regional autonomy you have to vote Forza Italia or Brothers Of Italy, I mean if you are Centre-rightwing, otherwise there is the 5 Star Movement etc.

Moratti knows it: the important thing is money, and health.

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