FISA CONGRESS COLD WAR – Why It’s The Old Guard Schumer-McConnell To Be Right: The Privacy Hawks Had 5 Months To Amend The Bill And Didn’t Do It, Now They’d Like To Do It 24 Hours Before It Expires…

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) (L) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

The old guard is right. And I want you to be aware of it, talking of these calls to amend FISA as if it were vital, the end of the world, these calls are fake, and fake is the outrage: the Congress wasn’t duped by the Deep State into extending FISA, Congress has had 5 months to amend, debate and approve a new FISA bill, only… they didn’t do it, they wanted to shorten the time and and waited until – be disappointed at least, if not horrified – 1 week before expiration date and moved only because Wray the FBI Director and Burns the CIA Boss started telling them “But what are you doing with FISA? If you have to amend it you have to hurry because it expires on the 19th of April”. And they knew it. Yes and this is it, the 19th of April is today and now, Rand Paul and Andy Biggs, now they want the time to “amend FISA”, because now it’s vital, after not working for 5 months. Quite frankly they disgust me: I would pass it un-amended to give them a lesson, McConnell and Schumer are right: there’s no Deep State hindering Democracy & Congress, there’s a lazy Congress, self serving and sleepy, forgetful or even worse a wicked Congress: they did it on purpose to wait a couple of hours before expiration day to make the fuss about the amendments? It expires, so now? They may be evil these people, they may want to help their terrorist friends abroad. And they were warned, they were told long ago: either you amend it, or it’ll have to pass unamended. Rand Paul wanted to filibuster which means he wanted to wreck the bill. He’s bad, now not being able to wreck the bill because his filibustering attempt was blocked by better Senators than he is, now he comes back with 10 Amendments to bog it down (or at least to try): it’s offensive, he doesn’t really want to debate the amendments because he’s had five months with his House Rep friends, he wanted to reach the knife edge time of the deadline to wreck it and make it expire so the Intel Community that he hates goes dark, because he is evil. Or, if they didn’t do it on purpose they’re inadequate for being Congressmen.

McConell is right, the Amendments are wrong and there’s not even time to debate them anymore:

SOURCE Fox News via MSN

QUOTES – “We obviously don’t have a lot of time left before FISA authorities expire. In fact, less than two days,” Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said on the floor ahead of the vote to begin debate. 

“Misguided efforts to require a criminal-law warrant to sort and organize those data on U.S. persons would end the ability of the FBI to keep America and Americans safe,” McConnell said earlier this week.

QUOTE – That claim (of the Hakws of Privacy so to say ed notes) prompted a strong rebuttal from Warner, the Senate Intelligence Committee chair “It’s not expanding FISA,” he insisted. “It’s a complete mischaracterization.”

He said when Section 702 was first crafted 15 years ago, cloud-based data storage and other new technologies didn’t exist.

“The world on telecom has changed since 2008, and things like the cloud in 2008 was something [that] was going to rain on you. Data centers are items that didn’t exist,” he said. “So you have to update your definitions.”

Tensions in the Senate are rising as lawmakers stumble close to the deadline without a plan for how to handle the demand for amendments.

Well, we have to understand them: in the last 5 months they’ve been too busy ousting Speakers, re-electing Speakers, backstabbing one another, showing Hunter Biden’s buttock: they had forgotten their Fourth Amendment Rights were in danger, now 2 hours before expiring date they wake up, and now it’s late.

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