I Suppose MAGA Don’t Want An Apple Watch For Present

Would you? Buy an Apple Watch with GPS+Cellular so if you go trekking and get lost the FBI or the CIA can come and save you because they are tracking you?

Erik Prince and James O’Keefe wouldn’t. A part of me thinks because they’re white guys and Apple hates white guys, the object is cool and I was about to buy it for my nephew’s graduation, but I’m still insecure. Though Prince and James O’Keefe went off yesterday with another interview where they insist that the FBI tracks you if you buy Apple INSTEAD if you buy their crap they produce in Israel the FBI cannot track you and Prince feels safe in the hands of his friends the Jews: would you feel safe in the hands of his friends the Jews who track you instead of the FBI?

Quite frankly, I have a preference: I prefer to be tracked by the FBI and by the CIA and not by the Mossad because I am pro-Palestine. Pro-Israel people suck, and they blow up universities so they don’t deserve technology, they deserve the stone-age where no one tracks you, you have to leave the bread crumbles behind you not to get lost like poor little Tom Thumb…

Yes, the point is, you know you’re getting tracked if you have with you a GPS+cellular but perhaps you don’t mind or you want it to get tracked, if you’re trekking on a hill or walking, strolling in a wood you don’t get lost at least for 24 hours. And if you want not to get tracked you walk in a wood without GPS and you get lost and that’s your privacy or you can trust Prince and go around with his Kosher made-in-Israel smart-phone that blocks the FBI their enemies from tracking you.

But if you are pro Palestine you’d go apple. The Mossad… knowing the telephone numbers of the pro-palestinian people? It’s dangerous, it depends a lot on who you are.

Another critique I do to these two fucking anti-FBI guys so MAGA… is… why do they want federal money? I can’t see why they want to be given federal fundings to do the job instead of the Pentagon, I wouldn’t give them: they want to dismantle the Federal Government and then go begging for federal fundings for their “private” companies, well is it private? Go private. It’s private but you want federal money and federal contracts indeed, it’s private one way only: it’s public to take and private to give, when they have to take money from the Government they want them, when they have to pay taxes they are libertarians and want to abolish the IRS; I don’t see why we shouldn’t give federal money for the Department of Education but then we should give federal money to private companies… Or when James O’Keefe said the FBI had it against him, he’s a liar and vile: if he got raided it’s because he stole the diary of Ashley Biden or had it stolen for him by another and kept it in his office and then started spilling it on Internet, so much for the Fourth Amendment right to privacy of Ashley Biden, or when he sent hookers to FBI Officers to spy on them in Washington on behalf of Trump, of course the FBI raided Project Veritas’s studios. Or does James think he didn’t do anything illegal?

Yes, I’d buy an Apple GPS+Cellular and would be saved by the FBI or the local Police in connection with the FBI if I get lost trekking. Certainly I’m not going to be saved by Netanyahu.

The blue one.

I got it, they spy on me, but at least they don’t blow up Universities.

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