ISRAEL HAS BEEN DEFEATED. This Is The New Headline From The WSJ To Haaretz To Information Liberation

Protests against Israel by Amazon and Google workers, the accusations of “AntiSemitism” haven’t stopped them

You may think it’s Information Liberation that has always been anti-Israel “it’s wishful thinking by Chris Menahan” you may say, but a newspaper, pardon a journal, the noble one, the noble term, as The Wall Street Journal says the same: Israel has been defeated, here’s why, I am pleased to remind that Col. McGregor had said it many months ago “Israel is self destroying with this war: Hamas cannot be defeated entirely because Hamas is an idea” also Chris Christie had the courage to say it “We have to tell Netanyahu he cannot completely eradicate Hamas”. Probably it’s because Hamas can be anyone in the Muslim World that just takes a rifle and infiltrates Gaza and he is “a commander in Hamas” or, if that’s exaggerated, at least “a Hamas fighter” and twe talk about a potential recruitment of hundreds of millions of men, potentially because “it’s an idea” McGreogr said, they’re not ten men, you kill those ten so you’ve killed off Hamas, you have enemies from Iran to China passing through Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria full of all so called (potential) fighters. Netanyahu looks like he wants to be bombed by Iran in the hope that the USA will step in and bomb Iran, I don’t know whether he realises he wants WWIII. I stick to the point that Netanyahu must be removed, perhaps if in Israel there were a CIA they could take him down: he’s crazy, he’s behaving like a crazy (perhaps to dodge the corruption trials) I don’t want him assassinated but come on, Bibi is not in his right senses and he is dangerous or better, to be be honest, to tell the truth and tell it well he is already much beyond dangerous, he already both allowed a massacre and did a massacre.

First I link the video by the Establishment Wall Street Journal and then the heartfelt words of an Israeli journalist who just wanted to live well and is seeing everything crumbling, exploding around him. One day we’ll have mercy on Sion.


SOURCE Haaretz via IL, from Israel by Chaim Levinson:

Saying What Can’t Be Said: Israel Has Been Defeated – a Total Defeat

The war’s aims won’t be achieved, the hostages won’t be returned through military pressure, security won’t be restored and Israel’s international ostracism won’t end

We’ve lost. Truth must be told. The inability to admit it encapsulates everything you need to know about Israel’s individual and mass psychology. There’s a clear, sharp, predictable reality that we should begin to fathom, to process, to understand and to draw conclusions from for the future. It’s no fun to admit that we’ve lost, so we lie to ourselves.

[…] We can’t say it, but we’ve lost. People have an inclination to believe in the best and be optimistic, hoping that tomorrow will be okay, that we are in a process that in the end will be more successful. That’s the most fundamental failure of human thought: the notion that the direction we are taking is a good one, that we just need to get there already – that in just a little more time, with a little more effort, the hostages will be returned, Hamas will surrender and Yahya Sinwar will be killed. After all, we’re the good guys, and good will triumph.

It’s the same mentality that leads to the notion that “the Iranian regime will soon implode” and other notions that have more to do with Hollywood scripts than life itself. They’re not the truth and it relates to something that’s uncomfortable. After all, it’s uncomfortable telling the public the truth.

[…] No cabinet minister will restore our sense of personal security. Every Iranian threat will make us tremble. Our international standing was dealt a beating. Our leadership’s weakness was revealed to the outside. For years we managed to fool them into thinking we were a strong country, a wise people and a powerful army. In truth, we’re a shtetl with an air force, and that’s on the condition that its awakened in time.

[…] Rafah is the newest bluff that the mouthpieces are plying to fool us and make us think that victory is just moments away. By the time they enter Rafah, the actual event will have lost its significance. There may be an incursion, perhaps a tiny one, sometime – say in May. After that, they’ll peddle the next lie, that all we have to do is ________ (fill in the blank), and victory will be on its way. The reality is that the war’s aims will not be achieved. Hamas will not be eradicated. The hostages will not be returned through military pressure. Security will not be reestablished.

The more the mouthpieces shout that “we’re winning,” the clearer it is that we’re losing. Lying is their craft. We need to get used to that. Life is less secure than before October 7. The beating we took will sting for years to come. The international ostracism won’t go away. And, of course, the dead won’t be coming back. Nor will many of the hostages.

For some of us, life will get back on track, with the petrifying fear of an imminent repeat. And for some of us, life won’t get back on track. Those people will walk among us like the living dead. That’s what we voted for. That’s how it is. We need to get used to the sad reality in our homeland.


I make mine also Chris Menahan’s words as a comment – a dry comment – on this piece of Israeli journalism and testimony about the very wrong Netanyahu Strategy: just kill, just pitilessly kill; wrong morally and wrong also strategically because it threw all the world against Israel:

Chris Menahan: “Regardless of what happens on the battlefield, the decision to bomb Gaza into the Stone Age and kill civilians en masse rather than fight Hamas on the ground and risk higher IDF casualties has alienated Israel from the entire world.

The atrocities they committed have been captured on film and will be archived and preserved in perpetuity for everyone to point to when they try to silence criticism of their actions by playing the anti-Semitism card.

If you check TIME Magazine you can see how Menahan got it right: here’s TM’s cover:

TIME Magazine is amplifying the requests of Google and Amazon’s workers to break relationship between these two Tech Companies and Israel.

So from alternative to mainstream media everybody is telling Netanyahu no one wants to die in WWIII for him and his obsession that the Palestinian State Authority must not rule over Gaza.

More from Time Magazine:

More from alternative media:

Amen. It’s literally everybody against Israel and everybody is right.

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