Mystery Of RFK Jr Polling At 15% in One Poll And 3% In Another Solved: They Don’t List Him As An Option And Count Him Only If The Person Interviewed Insists “I Vote Kennedy”

RFK Jr in Iowa yesterday

Remember my article about the polls being nowhere near guaranteeing +-4% margin of error?

RFK Jr telephoned the New York Times to get informed about this strange issue and in the end those sell-outs of the New York Times confessed: they are paid by Biden Team to poll ONLY Trump Vs Biden without offering as an option either RFK Jr or Cornel West or Jill Stein who are btw all three ex Democrats, but if the person interviewed tells them “cool down, there’s also RFK Jr and vote for him” they have to count the vote for him and write besides the number count “VOL” which means Voiced Out Loud. This is the way they conduct the polls.

RFK Jr tells this appalling story at min 14:44 of the video above, please check. It is scary because Supreme Court forgive me, but the Democrats, the Biden Team dares and do this much I suspect, like Trump yes, because they are busy rigging also the election, in fact it doesn’t make any sense to rig the polls so much if you cannot rig the election, apart from the attempt of a cheap psychologic war. And I put it on Trump, yes on Trump, because he forced the hand to legalise the massive use of postal ballots – unlike the no-excuses only option that gave the right to use the postal ballots strictly in few cases until 2016, where the postal ballots amounted to no more than 4% of the total ballots cast, but it was Trump yes, dears, Trump, to insist changing the laws in each State Legislature “because Covid” and having the postal ballots at disposal for all, abolishing the no-excuses clause, and this is the reality no matter what he did on Jan 6 to rebel against the postal ballots because I told you, Trump is crazy and also twisted in his actions-speeches, there’s no connection between the words he utters and the actions he takes: he is between crazy, complicit with the enemy and certainly twisted or just dumb – well also Trump’s Judges and Chief Justice Roberts appointed by GWB were delusional because they didn’t want to take on the lawsuit of Ken Paxton – Texas AG about declaring the Universal Postal Ballot system constitutional or… too weak and open to fraud that leaves too many loopholes hard to control and check and therefore finally unconstitutional. They left us without an answer which basically legitimised the use of the Universal Postal Ballot system if the State Legislatures like it and at the same time they left us with Trump telling people “the system is rigged” and “Stop the steal” etc. Can’t you vote for RFK Jr, dearest dearest Readers? He is the only one who can fix the system, what do you want to go again with that crazy guy ont he ballot?

He destroys the system, Trump, and then cries wolf. He is not fit for office, the polls are certainly not correct and he may even be in an agreement with Joe Biden to be the RNC candidate, the pollsters should be ashamed, but we stick to the plan to endorse Kennedy, it’s the only way out.

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