New #Trendy: Erik Prince And Doug McGregor Very Much Invited By Alt And Indi Media, So Much David Icke Labelled Prince The New MAM Hero

The new trendy? I set the trending line already 2 years ago when shocked by the Afghanistan Withdrawal after watching a 2 minutes video of Tucker Carlson interviewing Erik Prince and then Col. McGregor I understood these two would make the difference.

I even did two fan videos, and now the trend is the more and potent. Prince and McGregor are ultra-often invited and interviewed and requested by all sort of Indy and Alt Media podcasters so much David Icke’s website reached the point to crown Erik Prince the New MAM Hero. Which meanss Mainstream Alternative Media Hero. The ones who are on Alt-Media but still they don’t talk of Reptilians, with less than that, than talking of reptilian shapeshifters Icke gives you the MAM label, to be according to him very Alternative you must at a certain point say some people shapeshift. So it’s enough to be labelled MAM if you consider who Prince and McGregor are… They really saw and worked with Presidents – Skull & Bones Presidents – George HW Bush and George W Bush therefore in a way if the 2 Texan presidents shapeshift Prince and McGregor should know it, if “they” say it “it’s different”. But aside from this, that they dont’ say it, so it’s MAM, what’s happening?

A great fear of war and of having the wrong people who just cannot handle it in charge in Washington. Prince and MacGregor we like them because they know how to do a war and when they did it the casualties were minimised. Prince likes to portray his own actions as targeted, quick also violent but surgical and somehow light in comparison to the Pentagon’s, done with few soldiers but the very best trained, Elite Not DEI, he always complains that the Pentagon wants to send tens of thousands of troops on the ground and would achieve very little, McGregor’s famous for the low level casualties too, in one occasion even zero.

What we have on the other side is Netanyahu who managed to kill 200,000 people already, mainly Palestinians but also – he confessed – Jewish casualties and still didn’t win anything and lately said after announcing Rafah planned invasion that he doesn’t think he’s going to win:

President Biden is on top of the list of war mishandlers, with the Afghanistan Withdrawal as Commander-In-Chief he managed to kill an enormous amount of people and not even enemies of the USA but mainly Allies of the USA, Blinken was accused by Tucker Carlson of giving the Taliban the kill list of the afghan allies of the Americans, the ones who had collaborated with the US Army on the ground and this, this massacre, not with a war, but… with a withdrawal. So we’re all about, we’re all around Pirnce & McGregor not just me. They know it. Israel should accept their leadership in America, they are not anti-semites but they are not slaves of the Jewish Lobby either. Netanyahu should admit he is not capable of leading a war, and we all should admit we Westerners have a complete different point of view from Israel at least from Netanyahu’s Likud position. After WWII no Western Country wishes to enlarge its boundaries, Italy doesn’t wish to take Corsica from France, Austria doesn’t wish to take SudTyrol from Italy, the USA don’t want to take Canada or even less Mexico to enlarge, the UK wants to keep the Ulster but doesn’t want to invade the Republic of Ireland, so unlike Israel that wants to extend its territories into the West Bank and Gaza to become bigger, the NATO Countries are not focused on enlargement they, we, are focussed on making money: on making our Countries richer, more prosperous – sort of… better jobs, better holidays, better fun etc. – which thing good for us instead makes certain Rightwing Israeli Jews and their NeoCon branch in the USA accuse us of “Isolationism”: they accuse us like it’s a bad thing that we dont want to do the wars Israel wants us to do with them in the Middle East to enlarge it, to enlarge their portion. Which thing is true: yes, we don’t want to do it, there is a completely different point of view, we don’t want to enlarge our piece of land, our physical nation, we want to be richer, more prosperous, happier etc. why should we do wars for other purposes? Just to die and endure the war-harshness… for nothing?

Col MacGregor, lately become one of our darlings, said it plainy: we should not have provoked Putin in Donbass, Putin has been just defending his own legitimate defense interests there:

When we push Prince & McGregor also as I do “for President & Vice” or at least in an Administration but in top positions, we don’t do it because we are weak and cowardly or on the opposite “war-mongers” who like the rough side of the story and the mercenary thing in the White House, I mean of course we want 2 things: power and deterrence, people who know how to build effective aircraft and to do the wars, but if possible no wars materially done and eventually minimising the dead toll, possibly bringing it down to zero. We are Christians. There’s nothing wrong in wanting to be happy in wanting to be prosperous, our soldiers must not do three things to be “knights” and not war-criminals 1) rape; 2) torture prisoners 3) killing civilians on purpose and by civilians we mean unarmed people not just children.

Stop, the rest, the war if pushed they can do it, we do it, but we prefer not to.

So Prince and McGregor become trendy and this is welcome:

POLITICAL PANORAMA – There are people who suggest that all the resignations happening in the Republican Party mainly in Congress are due to the fact that there’s a movement to oust Trump from the ballot, this creates a vacuum in the RNC, the Republican candidates may be others and not Trump with let’s say Kristi Noem, I’d be glad if this happened, Glenn Youngkin just vetoed a bill to legalise recreational marijuana in Virginia he could do good, the Democrats they want to do wars etc. but they push drugs, sodomy, drag queen shows, defund the police, DEI quotas this is what they do and RFK Jr with the ex wife of Sergey Brin they belong to that part of history: the men who bankrolled DA Gascon… we still don’t know who’s going to be the Republican candidate instead:

Good riddance, who wants him, Trump?

I stick to the first ticket: Prince & McGregor, second Glenn Youngkin or Brian Kemp.

Yes Netanyahu cannot destroy Hamas, people in Washington cannot be puppets of Netanyahu. With all respect, Trump, Kushner, John Bolton shouldn’t be let in the Oval Office again, I hope the GOP won’t go with Nikki Haley for another try. It would be embarrassing. Also DeSantis he lost the primaries and was irritating. I wonder who they have in mind.

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