THE WORST: Trump’s New Ad Is Communist Shit Generated By AI

WARNING – MAGA or Maga in Hebrew means Combat and Jared Kushner who’s a Jew knows it, they do it on purpose to use this term with the ambiguous meaning

It literally reminds me of the communist real Soviet Union propaganda of the fifties.

It does not look American. It looks Soviet. What do they heve these new “Republican leaders”? And they talk to me about Reagan? Who was all positivity & gas? If we talk of the Ads, Biden’s Ads are more modern, more human more… even funny than Trump’s, only… they don’t tell the truth, but this Trump’s Ad is scary. And it’s not the first, Ronna McDaniel when she was still at the RNC produced an AI Generated Ad in favour of Trump and against Joe Biden that was just as chilling, just as dehumanised. Here it is:

Why do they do them like this, the Ads? Either they do it for the money, because AI works for free and everybody knows they have no money or they have them but they stint, or… but sorry I am… scared because David Icke and others say that Trump, no matter how much victim of lawfare seems to be, is in fact in talks and in agreement with the Top Democrats to impersonate the Leader of the Right with the purpose – in agreement with the Chiefs of the Democrats – to drag to the Coutnry to a Civil War and these chilling, disturbing Ads are constructed like this for this reason, to make you smell the war theme, the war smoke. Now the System has just balied out Trump again. I don’t want him just the same.

… you know why, I want Prince & McGregor and not Trump & Tucker Carlson as President and Vice. If this is even only remotely similar to what’s expecting us, I don’t want Trump sitting President, forgive me. Ronna, Lara, Trump, & Co. they’re all crazy.

Ronna McDaniel has just got a job by NBC-News that is a leftwing Network after manipulating the Primaries in favour of Trump, and Chelsea Clinton has just defended Barron Trump. One big club, but this time it’s not a Country Club. These people want us dead, Trump and Biden included. The two of them. Can you imagine an Ad by Glenn Youngkin? It would be much more positive. How can they possibly? How can they?

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