Beretta Goes Woke. Almost. To Advertise A Hunting Rifle Instead Of Showing A Man Shooting Pigeons, They Show A Woman Running Away From Pigeons

Unbelievable, I have never seen anything so cowardly elegant, stupidly posh and aristo-chic but WOKE.

Lady shoots chandelier

Gun manufacturer Beretta has to sell weapons after all, it’s all they produce, and they’re into top hunting rifles, hunting rifles that cost a fortune btw.

Actually – SPOILER – instead of showing a man in lumberjack gear hunting with precision the pigeons or the pheasants for his breakfast they’re so conscious, so scared of being accused of something evil/cruel by the Left, the omnipresent Lefty Judge haunting our minds, our heads they engined the publicty as a doomed fantasy, classy and posh movie where there is a poor lady – poor so to say, she’s obviously very rich – …. hunted and chased by the pheasants, running away from the dangerous pigeons until she finds a Beretta gun in castle, doomed also the castle, and… in the end – SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER – instead of shooting the pigeon, shoots a chandelier.


That’s what the Beretta rifles are made for: shooting chandeliers.

Come on.

Even if they may not be precisely scared, it shows they are conscious, they don’t want to show the shootings or they want to justify themselves exaggerating the danger posed by the pigeons: you shoot them to cook them, Pietro, it’s untrue they kill you, we’re hungry, that’s so vulgar isn’t it? It’s like perceived as a sin to just shoot a pigeon and to roast it. The pigeons hunt you. Lady.

And after they hunt you, you still lack the courage to shoot them just the same. You rather shoot the chandelier.

I don’t think it’s hypocrisy and you still show a bit of sexy lady’s flesh, but I think it’s self cosnciousness.

In Texas lately the migrants, unarmed as the pigeons, just swarmed the border and no one shot them. We should shoot the leftwingers first.

this just can’t go on.

FBI hunting Benghazi terrorist 9 years ago. I bet they shot the chandelier.
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