CIA Director Burns Wants FISA Renewed By 19 April. Erik Prince Said Snowden Did “A Public Service” To Us. May I Ask What He Thinks Of FISA?

Erik Dean Prince

Burns, Wray and Prince are men I keep an eye on because they’re very important and not flamboyant, but this time I don’t know what to think, what to promote – because I promote what’s good, or at least I hope to guess what’s good to promote it, I am promotional – I am personally cheerful today because my dad told me I’ll have another bank transfer on my bank account and at times, you know, money makes you happy. I remember when I was pro-Trump in 2016 and I wasn’t even anti-Semite as probably I am being now due to Netanyahu, Israel, Gaza war and the Jewish lobby destroying the American Primaries for 2024, but back then I had liked Jared Kushner because he was a big buy-to-let guy and people used to criticise him saying he was only a spoiled kid full of flats who makes money doing nothing but renting them and since I am a little buy-to-let, a bit like Jared, my parents buy and I let, only I have two flats and not two super-skyscrapers in Manhattan but sort of I didn’t like people criticising the buy-to-let guys because they say we’re lazy, we’re not lazy we do other things, for example I would be desperate if I had a job and a job giver who tells me he sacks me for what I write on Internet therefore on Internet I can write what I like, we buy-to-let are making money perfectly legally and it is perfectly legal, only Communism can take us down, when they say there’s no private property anymore. And Jared (or I) were anti-Communists in 2016, I am still anti-Communist now, then I got scared… of what Jared and Trump did in 2020, forgive me, I don’t think they can handle the White House, I don’t accept the Fauci or Birx Alibis, they gave us the house arrests, my tenant had to close his shop for the lockdown and couldn’t pay and me and my father are good renters, they destroyed the world economy with the lockdown, they are not up to the standard of keeping the White House and please stop calling Wray and Burns the Swamp.

Now Wray and Burns want FISA and I tend to be like “If they need FISA give them” but some people do intelligent remarks I don’t want to pretend I don’t listen to or I don’t understand, I do.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), along with other members of the U.S. intelligence community, are pushing for Congress to expand Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 in order to fight the ongoing fentanyl crisis.

According to the Brennan Center of Justice, Section 702, “Authorizes the government to collect the communications of non-Americans located abroad without a warrant from a court. While this surveillance is supposed to target foreigners, it inevitably sweeps in Americans’ private phone calls, emails, and text messages too.”

USA Today has reported that top CIA officials spent most of 2023-2024 urging members of Congress to reauthorize Section 702 of the FISA Act of 1978.

However, CIA officials believe in its current form, Section 702 limits the intelligence community from targeting everyone involved in the fentanyl trade overseas and are advocating lawmakers to expand Section 702 so U.S. spies will have more liberty when it comes to going after criminals engaged in the fentanyl trade.


The Patriots who don’t want to extend FISA say that spying on the communications of non American citizens abroad necessarily implies spying on the Americans living in the USA who connect to them, who talk to them per telephone, Internet etc. because you don’t spy on one of the two, you spy on both: on the one abroad and on the one in America the one abroad is talking to. As for me I am abroad in relationship to America, I’m in Europe. They could spy on me if interested.

I’d like to know what Erik Prince thinks of this, because he is in a very peculiar position: he is pro Trump – he said so – but he likes the CIA, it is rumoured he wants to be next CIA Director, so he could have or want FISA, not only: he praised the CIA both for the Afghan War in fact he said “The CIA allowed us to win that war in two weeks” and was personally – sic – a CIA assassin under George W Bush, they say he targeted terrorists. Now you may guess “He’s pro FISA” because if he hopes to be next CIA Director he’d have FISA at disposal in his arsenal too. Only… Prince is more peculiar than that: he is a strange case of “Swamp/Anti-Swamp” guy, he defended Edward Snowden, didn’t call him a hero but said Snowden did a public service to us and that the NSA and the Intel Gigantic Budget must be reigned in and is into (supposedly) non hackable smart-phones, a new label guaranteed by him personally. So he is against the Spying State but pro CIA. I am very interested in knowing what Prince thinks of FISA because of this peculiar position he keeps in relationship to retarded MAGA who want to shut down the FBI (he even said as a private army recruiter that SWAT L.A. were the best trained he could hire). So he is more specific he is not your dumb Infowars reader.

Evidence caught on camera:

Erik, tell us: is this FISA good or bad?

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