Kennedy & Shanahan Will NOT Cut Food Stamps, She Needed Them As A Child, They Will Go On With Students Loan Forgiveness, Trump Instead … Is Being Helped By A Jewish Hedge Fund Manager Who Did Money Speculating

You can contribute to Kennedy’s campaign also by buying clothes & merch
Bobby Kennedy Jr & Nicole Shanahan, my candidates US President & Vice

This is the end of Joe Biden, but if you have a heart this should be the end also of Donald Trump, while Nicole and Bobby are human and in a touching new interview the candidate Vice-President admits her family due to the drug addiction of her father often needed food stamps to just eat and Bobby promised he will liberate students from the loans-slavery, Donald Trump boasts about a new big fundraiser’s event that gave him all of a sudden $50 M. But who’s behind this? John Paulson, another Jew who made money out of nothing with tricks in Wall Street tied to Goldman Sachs. This is why Donald Trump is not reliabale, he is not good at working, he continuously goes bankrupt and then he begs for money to some Jewish Hedge Fund Dirty Billionaire in WS promising something if he is elected and is saved by them, always tied to Israel and to Goldman Sachs who are much worse than what he calls “the Swamp” and is the group that dictates his real political agenda: Trump is a liar who pretends that the Washington Burocracy in his words “The Swamp” blocks him from doing good or imposes to him to do Warp Speed and Lockdown and he accidentally cashes in: it’s untrue, he does what he does for the money. He does it because without Goldman Sachs he’s gone, like you and I cannot really have all those Towers and properties and Golf Clubs also Trump couldn’t afford all those properties without Goldman Sachs behind him. And Goldman Sachs is not behind to serve, but to control. It’s Kennedy the man of the people, it’s Kennedy that has to be voted.

And here who’s Nicole beyond the mistakes she did, at least she won’t let you starve and she will help the middle class send their chidlren to school & University. Education comes first (well, after food & health).

You haven’t got to apologise to the Republicans if you’re poor or if you want to study. Kennedy if he’s smart he’ll reintroduce the Tobin Tax so sharks like Paulson will pay their fair share of taxes. Government can be good and limit the power of the Goldman Based Jewish Lobby oh so MAGA. We know what Trump is. He’s not one of us, he is one of them and not even the Boss.

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