WOMEN’S DAY: Why Has The Fest Of The Ladies Become So Gloomy?

Portrait of Ladies

ITALY – I’ve just listened to a piece of TG5 – the News – the female journalist announces that tomorrow is Women’s Day, sorry, the Terrible Women’s Day, I noticed how the female journalist instead of saying “it’s our fest” she said “it’s their fest” excluding herself from the celebrated group. Why?

Because it’s not the day of the accomplished woman who’s a journalist and works for Canale 5 – Channel 5 ed notes – or of the super-model who earns 300,000 euros per fashion show doing the catwalk, or of Meloni Prime Minister (for what she’s worth) or of the Blogger Cool – like me* – or Ms Ferragni who made billions by selling nothing and ended up like “Totò The Fraud”, no. It is the celebration, my God, of the woman who was raped, killed, the victim of brutal femicide, and found dead eight days later in decomposition, of the grim sort of… wannabe-cunning lady who told her partner or husband whatever he was that the child was his and instead the child was someone else’s and the husband partner whatever he was killed her. And now goes to jail too, in 2024 he still wants the honor of the male. There in prison lies the honor of the male. Realize this, dear man. These Middle Ages that never end, this Holocaust of Women from which we all distance ourselves “this party is not for me, it is ‘their’ party, not my party” Freudian slip of the female journalist, of those who cannot, refuse to identify with this discomfort.

But why is this Women’s Day the day of the unlucky women? Of the housewives still hoping to skip the DNA test? To pass off one man’s child for another’s and they end up with the type of man who doesn’t like it not even if it means going to jail. Because he’s crazy. He had to settle for not paying and find a good lawyer. Because these strange holidays, new festivities, are decided by Freemasonry which is controlled, it is said, by a sect of Jews and therefore The Women’s Fest is similar to The Holocaust Fest, pardon… Remembrance Day, it is not for the rich Jews, who control the banks, who manage the Israeli secret services who make billions in Holywood as film producers, film directors & Co. And not even the cool Jewish New York journalist or the peddler and sad gloomy journalist who accuses the CIA of everything the Mossad does (but still alive). No. It’s the celebration of the dead women, of the dead Jews of the Holocaust. This second of November splashed all across the year. This Marie Queen of the Dead.

But may we know why it’s always Good Friday for them? And the successes?

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