BE CAREFUL AMERICA, You Already Have Had 3 Brothels In Washington That Were Sex Traps Run By China, Israel & S Korea Round The Neck Of Politicians And Officers, You May Not Make It Without FISA

Speaker Johnson

I don’t like to repeat myself, but I have to do it about FISA, look at the past, not just at the future and the present and look at everything not just at Crossfire Hurricane, moreover in the case of Crossfire Hurricane THERE WAS a warrant, so it may be that the abuse and the worst case of FISA application happened with the warrant and not without.

You Politicians and Washington Officers ALREADY have had three brothels full of micro-cameras and wiretapping in Washington that were run by the Secret Services of China, South Korea, Russia and Israel: I put it in my alternative home, check here

If FBI and CIA CANNOT spy on foreign nationals living abroad they cannot understand, they cannot get to know who’s behind a brothel full of cameras and bugs in Washington to spy on… let’s say… Matt Gaetz or any CIA Officer high on a saturday night or the young and bold assistant of an important politician for ex I don’t know… Mitch McConnell. It’s untrue that you can make it without FISA. It’s untrue that you can understand if Jeffrey Epstein is a man of Ehud Barak or someone else or not.

Yes, I am for renewing FISA, there’s a plot to spy on you, on American important men or generically on important people from pretty much everywhere: China, Russia, Israel, South Korea, and they already did it, I don’t know whether CIA and FBI can really make it without FISA, FISA failed against Trump because Jim Comey and Hillary Clinton with John Brennan voluntarily abused it, but it was successuflly used in many other cases for ex. these 3 brothels in Washington that were equipped like three Big Brother’s houses where everything is recorded were closed, many cyber attacks were prevented.

Trump is asking the Congress to kill it off, but I don’t agree with him, and moreover Trump is hiding classified documents from the Federals and he is not reliable, Jared Kushner that is Trump’s son-in-law was given just given 2 bln dollars from the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia against the informed advice of the Saudi Royal Consultants and we don’t know why he was given the money: they are not reliable.

The Wall Street Journal and Fox News for once agree with me, they want the renewal of FISA, they point out what Amendments can help and what may hinder it.


SOURCE Wall Street Journal

I want to tell you something dear Readers, if your problem is Chris Wray you can change FBI Director if you win the Election in November but if you don’t win it’s not my fault (I hope) potentially Matt Gaetz could be appointed FBI Director if Trump finally wins, or Jim Jordan and then maybe they’ll do better or they’ll do worse than Wray, but without FISA you’d have Facebook more powerful as a spying tool than the FBI has, that means: what you don’t allow the FBI, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook and the people who control the satellites in Texas or Virginia and AT&T can already do it (technically they can). In my opinion it’s safer if it is the FBI to do it under the Law. It’s Congress that has to define this Law.

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