ITALY Divided Culturally And Spiritually: The Pope Vs Berlusconi, Latest Encyclical Condemns Trans Ideology While Mediaset Forces To Call Luxuria “She-Presenter”

Guess who the Pope is and who Piersilvio Berlusconi is from the photos

For this time I agree with the Pope: yes gender ideology is extreme, anti-human, it destroys the dignity of the human being, the ecyclical Dignitas Infinita seems to be harsh and clear about it. Castrated males must not be called “Lady” and one should not try to inject female hormones into males and male hormones into females in order to make them Trans. But Mediaset with those strange people who are now at the helm, the sons of Silvio Berlusconi who are so distant, so unpopular, so “I want to keep freemasonry and rich friends good, you know” said with the Milan’s accent, they have forced their journalists to call Vladimir Luxuria – who is a castrated male, a poor trans – “She-Presenter” and are promoting the gender agenda: they should therefore be excommunicated. But who cares?

Mediaset is not the media arm of the Centre-Right, Forza Italia just wants a bit of money for the indecent private schools, but do you know that they told me that private schools let you take exams online without a camera and a friend good at studying can do the computer exam in the place of the dunce and let him pass? And they make him pass the exam.

I want to go back to the Eighties – as Laws I mean, not as technology obviously -: stop this obscenity of private schools, their pupils have to take exams with public school teachers like everyone else, it’s nauseating and I’m a bit angry too with myself because I can’t leave AlterVista which also belongs to Berlusconi, they don’t give me the real statistics, it’s not clear what they do with the advertising banners, and in any case the ugly and bad Meloni Government has decriminalized false accounting so they can cheat and no one does anything to them. Why don’t I change? Because I’m not capable of keeping a server otherwise I would change.

I’m angry at this ugly and bad government (which I voted for): Banca Mediolanum controls me due to the anti-money laundering law. But, excuse me, I didn’t go to private schools, I went to the right schools, even though I spent 3 years wandering around the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Brescia but that one was better than the others, it wasn’t “equal”, so: if you Melona, stupid and corrupt (I hope she doesn’t sue me for defamation) if you Meloni legalize false accounting, it means that Altervista or any company can invoice a million euros and report only a paltry €500,000 in the financial statements and keep €500,000 illegally, you are basically helping them launder dirty money and evade taxes or do you think that the false accounting is that they earn less and declare double the amount to the tax authorities so they pay more taxes? Idiot.

That is, you blame me and keep the rules for controls against money laundering against the little people and decriminalize false accounting? Then you’re stupid, or bad.

They are corrupt.

And I continue to write as before despite the defamation complaint from that saint woman of Francesca Cipriani who might as well leave me alone since she has made three calendars naked where she certainly looks like a saint, and I have to go to court because I said she looks like a prostitute. And obviously she works for Mediaset, every now and then they give her something to do.

I’m still not afraid. I have the refusal of feeling afraid.

Mediaset is… rubbish that tries to look normal.

Come on People. To the Rescue.

But How?

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